Crypto Mining

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What's the Incentive for miners?
The future will be decentralized. To keep the integrity (and values!) of all cryptocurrency ecosystems intact, miners keep the networks safe and its authority decentralized by keeping each other constantly in check. This allows both a healthy growth and a fair distribution of currency units to all crypto-citizens!
How is Bitcoin kept secure?
The only way to not create money out of thin air or corrupt it, is to burn real energy. This is called Proof-Of-Work. As miners, we are processing and verifying the transactions of the cryptocurrency ecosystems and keeping their public transaction history (blockchains) maintained and secure. For this, the mining community is rewarded with the networks’ transaction fees and newly created coins. It’s a win-win situation! When you start mining with us, you are getting your share of this reward.
Why is mining so important?
Cryptocurrency networks need computational power to run securely. The world’s most powerful blockchains are supported by millions of computers around the world. Unlike paper money, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are produced mathematically and held digitally. The people who voluntarily offer their computing power to secure these cryptocurrency networks are called miners. Cryptocurrencies don’t have a central government or other so-called ‘middlemen’ that decide about the future of the system. – They are in fact digital, borderless democracies in which miners vote with their computing power to reach order and consensus.

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