What is Leverage

What is Leverage

For those considering investing, it’s important to first understand a few key terms. These allow you to appreciate how the markets and trading work, so you can form a strategy and make decisions that are beneficial to your long-term goals.
Forming part of this core terminology are two words: margin and leverage. “Margin” is a way for investors to increase their buying power, which can be beneficial for those whose budgets are modest. While it can increase profit, there’s also a greater degree of risk inherent in it.
Perhaps you’re also wondering “what does leverage mean in trading”? The two terms are often used interchangeably. They both refer to ways to open a trading position with a broker using only a small amount of capital to take up a large position.
The use of these terms can be confusing for amateur investors and those who’ve yet to enter the markets. However, with this guide, you should soon develop a much better understanding of them.
What is Leverage?
So, what does leverage mean? In ordinary parlance, “to leverage” is to use something to maximum advantage. Its meaning in the financial world is not so dissimilar: you’re taking the funds you have and using leverage to optimise your earning potential.
If you were looking for a simplified leverage meaning or leverage definition, you might summarise it thus: as a way to take a small amount of money and increase its value on the investment markets.
Examples are often the easiest way to explain this kind of concept. Imagine you have £1,000 to trade but want to increase your potential return. You find a broker offering leverage at 25:1. With their backing, you could manage a position of up to £25,000 by placing a deposit of £1,000.
What is Margin?
Above, we said “leverage” and “margin” are two terms that are often used interchangeably. This is true, but we should qualify it by explaining that the two do have slightly different meanings.
If you’re searching for a margin meaning, this is the amount of money you’ll need to open your position, while leverage is the multiple of exposure. If you’d like to know how to calculate margin, work out the size of your intended position and then divide this by the higher number.
Lots of brokers will have a margin calculator on their page, but this is usually easy enough to work out in your head. In the example we used above, our hypothetical broker wanted to trade £25,000 with leverage of 25:1. The margin formula they’d need to use would therefore be:
£25,000 / 25 = £1,000
Equally, if the leverage was 5:1, they’d have to put down £5,000 to manage the same size position. The formula in this instance would be:
£25,000 / 5 = £5,000
Essentially, this means you work out the margin in the following way:
Size of position / the higher figure in the ratio = the margin.
When buying on margin, the size of your deposit will depend on the leverage offered and the trading terms supplied by the broker. This payment is known as the “initial margin”. Margin requirements can differ widely depending on factors like the asset type, market, and risk involved.
How Does Margin Relate to Leverage?
We’ve largely covered this question above, but let us go into a little more detail here. Margin is, essentially, a special type of leverage that involves using existing cash or securities positions as collateral. This increases the trader’s buying power.
This ability is not limitless. If traders have taken on too much risk, brokers may put them on a margin call or implement a stop-out.
Let’s look at these two concepts individually:
Margin Call
A margin call occurs when an investor’s balance and unrealised profit and loss are equal to their margin requirement. The broker will demand they deposit additional funds to bring their account up to the minimum value.
A stop-out, on the other hand, is the point where a trader’s equity is equal to half their required margin. If you have trading positions open but lack the equity to cover these, the trading platform will automatically close them. This is implemented as part of the FCA’s product intervention measures.
How Does Leveraging Work?
So, how does leverage work? This is a strategy that involves borrowing funds to increase the return on investments. If the return is higher than the interest owed, you can make a healthy profit, which is why investors utilise it.
Using the Traderslite platform, you must decide whether you wish to use leverage or not. There’s no onus on you to do so. Different instruments will have various maximum leverage amounts. By law, these must not exceed a certain number.
You can use a leverage multiplier to enhance your buying power. This will often be in the form of a ratio, such as 10:1, 20:1, and so on. This is the number of times your capital will be amplified.
If you’re wondering “what is leverage ratio” and how you calculate the leverage ratio formula, this is easy. The smaller figure relates to the money you put down; the larger, to how much the broker will amplify this by. So, if the ratio is 10:1 and you deposit £1,000 in your account, the broker will increase this amount to £10,000.
Leveraged Buyout and Stop Loss
This works in a not dissimilar way to a leveraged buyout.What is a leveraged buyout? Where one company acquires another using a significant amount of borrowed money. You’re essentially doing the same to secure a larger position.
Novice traders, in particular, tend to rely more on “gut feelings,” because they don’t necessarily have a lot of experience in financial trading to make rational and informed choices.
To help traders avoid making rash online trading decisions, Traderslite, in accordance with local financial regulators, recommends the following:
Maximum leverage according to the following list:
30:1 for major currency pairs;
20:1 for non-major currency pairs, gold and major indices;
10:1 for commodities other than gold and non-major equity indices;
5:1 for individual equities and other reference values;
2:1 for cryptocurrencies;
Place no more than 20% of your equity on one trade
The key factors of smart investing are low leverage and portfolio diversity, a fact attested to by the portfolios of Traderslite’s top traders.
Here are some tips for becoming a more responsible trader:
Only invest in what you know: Don’t follow random tips or gut feelings. If you want to invest in a certain asset, familiarise yourself with its history and tendencies.
Look at your Risk Score: Your unique Risk Score is a great way to see if you are a responsible trader. Keeping a Risk Score of 3 or lower on Traderslite is recommended.
Adjust your portfolio: Diversify your portfolio with assets across many classes. If you don’t want to monitor your portfolio frequently, opt for lower-involvement instruments, such as CopyPortfolios™ or our CopyTrader™ system.
Copy other responsible traders: When you copy another trader, look at their Risk Score, history, and portfolio diversity.
Human Psychology & Emotional Trading
Traders of all levels can rely too heavily on their emotions while trading. This is a mistake as fear, greed and excitement can play a hand in making bad decisions. Always have a trading plan, and stick to it no matter what happens. When creating your trading plan, incorporate the tips from the section above, paying specific attention to:
Maximum leverage
Portfolio diversity
Risk scores and profiles of other traders